Dear Parents -
Today we met with local county health department officials and several school district leaders in an effort to remain informed on the Coronavirus and its effect on our schools. What we learned today is that as of now we have no reason to close down our schools. However, this is a very fluid situation and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is gathering data on an hourly basis from around the country and the state. Should we have a situation arise where we must close due to the Coronavirus we would consider transitioning to an online platform or allow for students to receive weekly educational packets. Currently there is no indication we need to pursue this form of education. We will remain informed by local health officials and the State Dept of Education on any future decisions.
Let me encourage you to make sure your students exercise proper hygiene practices and investigate the locations of your visit before you travel.
Have a fun and/or relaxing Spring Break!
Bulldog Strong,
Randy Harris
Wagoner Public Schools