Do I need a device for blended or online?
Yes…but the school district will provide chromebooks to 2nd-HS and tablets to PK-1st.
Can you explain the A/B option a little more please?
The A/B blended option is available to students and parents who may want to only send their students 2 days a week to class and keep them home for the other two days. The student will be assigned either A-Tuesday, Wednesday or B-Thursday, Friday to attend class in person. The student will be expected to keep up with the rest of the class on their days at home through Google classroom and Google meet. The academic expectations are the same as the traditional student who is attending all 4 days. Should we move to Phase III, all students will be required to attend their A/B schedule.
Is the A/B option available from the very beginning and not just in Phase 3?
Yes it is, but the parent will need to notify their administration before August 7th.
Are we requiring temperature checks and/or masks?
At this time we are strongly encouraging the wearing of masks, but we are currently awaiting more information from the State Board of Education on this matter. As far as temperature checks go, we are requiring all staff to have their temperature checked as they enter the buildings. For students, we are implementing the Bulldog Wellness Pledge, which states that the parent/guardian will check their student’s temperature before coming to school.